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- Subject: NEC-2 FORTRAN Sources available
- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1992 11:03:55 -0500
- I have posted the FORTRAN source code for NEC-2 on UCSD.EDU:
- /hamradio/nec-2.f
- It's available for anonymous FTP thanks to Brian Kantor's efforts.
- A few notes:
- 1. This is FORTRAN-77 source code, with some VAX specific
- modifications. I have not tested it (look at my .sig).
- It's *not* the official NEC-2 source, it's been hacked
- a bit, but it's pretty close to what was released originally.
- 2. There is no documentation with the code except for whatever
- comments are embedded.
- 3. It is, as far as I know, public domain, having been developed
- by an agency of the US Gov't. There's no copyright
- statement on the code I received. I got it from a friend of
- a friend (at Purdue Univ, I think).
- 4. You're on your own getting it running on your system.
- Documentation:
- The code is documented in two (huge!) manuals, available for
- purchase from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
- They're in the phone book in Springfield, Virginia, 22161. Call
- them and ask them about current selling price & shipping info on the
- following two publications (you want both of them):
- NTIS AD-A075289 NOSC TD-116 Vol 1
- Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC)
- - Method of Moments
- NTIS AD-A075460 NOSC TD-116 Vol 2
- [same title]
- The above two manuals completely document the code. They contain,
- among other things, a listing of the complete code as released
- (which agrees fairly well with what's archived on UCSD.EDU, but there
- are some differences), theory of operation and instructions for use.
- Help:
- *Please* don't call me for help getting the code running. It's
- not mine and I'm paid by my company to do other things. You're on
- your own. I think it's possible, but it takes a bit of work. I
- have tried & have had some success, but I'm not there yet. If you
- get it running, it would be nice to hear about it.
- 73,
- Pete
- ==============================================================================
- Peter Simpson (508) 870-9837 voice
- Data General Corp. (508) 898-4212 fax
- 4400 Computer Dr. E132
- Westboro, MA 01580 INTERNET: pzs@ficus.webo.dg.com
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